Monday, May 28, 2012

Is it the camera or the Photographer?

I went strawberry picking with some friends this Saturday (5.26.12) I knew I would be focusing more on strawberries than taking pictures so I decided to borrow my Mom's little point and shoot.  It was compact and easy to carry. Plus all I had to do was point and shoot!  Well I am used to all the bells and whistle of my camera. Macro, selective color, and manual settings.  I started to get a liiiiiitle frustrated.  I thought gee, this thing doesn't do anything.  Then I had to ask my self are all my shots the benefit of my camera or the benefit of my skills?  Does the camera take good shots or do I?  I took a few more shots and then got down to the business of picking strawberries.  Two days later I am looking at the shots I took. Clear, good composition and nice framing.  No tricks just a really nice shot.  I decided I needed to go "low-tech" more often, I mean I learned to shoot with a manual 35mm camera.  I didn't get to see the shots until I developed the film and often times I couldn't go back recreate shots that didn't come out the way I wanted.  So whats the difference now?  I decided the answer to my question was simple..its the Photographer AND the camera.  But the photog has to use the tools and not let the tools use them.  (f5.6)

1 comment:

  1. To quote Adams "The Negative is the Score, the Print the Performance" Great shots need both.
